Chocolate Coconut Larabars

The Paleo challenge is over, but i still have a few more posts that I need to post. Since ending the challenge (200 points behind the winner!) I’ve had no less than 3 doughnut halves; a mocha; peanut butter pretzels; pizza; countless Thin Mints and many more treats that I loved and missed.
A few foods I tried during the challenge tat I plan to keep in rotation:

  • Beets
  • Brussels sprouts (can hardly believe I’m saying that but they really grew on me)
  • Medjool dates

Regarding dates … you have to be specific, as the other ones just don’t taste as good. Medjools are sweet and sticky, and are amazing to use in bars and other sweets, though be careful. As with all dried fruits, just cause they are fruits they are not low in calories and actually dates have a lot of sugar in them.

That all said, I’m crazy about these copycat larabars. I made them twice. Super easy, requires no baking, use all natural ingredients with no added sugar. Dates rock.

these copycat larabars are made with 5 ingredients

This recipe comes courtesy of Mom’s Kitchen Handbook, via Pinterest (yes! I successfully created something I discovered on Pinterest!)

Oddly enough, while milk in my coffee continues to be a must, I’ve lost my taste for yogurt, cheese and other dairy. Will need to find additional ways to add calcium to the diet.

I’ve still got a few more ingredients in the pantry, so, cavemen and women … I will return. Just after I make a few more goodies.

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