Chocolate summer

I melted about 3/4 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips and here’s what happened…

It all started because we had a few very ripe bananas waiting around for us. This is rare occurence in the chattycha household as the family tends to eat all the bananas before they get super-duper ripe. Lately the husband has been buying more bananas, and maybe it was the heat that was ripening them quicker. Anyway. We had this one large banana that was on the verge of mad ripeness when I saved it for a Frozen Banana Pop recipe I read in a PCC Newsletter.

Super easy. I combined the chips with about a teaspoon of coconut oil in a makeshift double-boiler. Under low but boiling watter/heat, I stirred the chocolate until completely melted. Then we spooned the melted chocolate onto two Banana Pops (peeled the banana, cut it in half, used our reusable frozen popsicle holders and carefully stuck them through the banana). On the kiddos not pictured, we sprinkled some starry sprinkled on the chocolate. On mine I used up some leftover coconut and almond slices. Laid them on wax paper on a tray and left in the freezer until the next day. A deliciously refreshing result.


The thing is, we still had quite a bit of melted chocolate to go after making 2 banana pops (we only had one ripe banana, so making more banana pops was not an option). Thanks to some quick thinking, I did these other two treats:

1) Chocolate Almond Butter Cups. Lined a few mini-muffin tins with mini-muffin paper cups. Poured enough chocolate on the bottom of hte cups to line them. Took a teaspoon or less of almond butter and added into each cup. Covered the tops as best as I could with more chocolate. Refrdigerate for at least 30 minutes. I probably made about six of these.


2) The messiest s’more. The best-iest s’more. This one needs very little explanation. Marshmallows get roasted using the broiler. Graham crackers get drenched in melted chocolate. Everything gets smooshed together. Chattycha gets excited because after running around with a pan of melted chocolate for 15 minutes like a madwoman, she can finally sit down and have sweet treat.


A really messy s’more

I need to make a point of keeping chocolate chips in the house!

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