Knitting Projects

I have a stash of yarn. There was a particular project that I had held off on until I was pregnant … a baby blanket. I sorta felt like if I started a blanket before I became pregnant that it would somehow jinx the getting pregnant part. But then, weeks and months went by and I completely forgot of my intentions. Until a few weeks ago, wherein I hustled this little project out.

knitted baby blanket in eggplant

knitted baby blanket in eggplant

It is a very easy pattern. I’ve done several dishcloths using a similar pattern, and just expanded it significantly to create a large blanket. The idea behind the diamond-shaped blanket is that you start by casting on 5 stitches, then continue to increase each row until you get to the halfway point. Then you begin decreasing each row until you get back to 5 stitches on the needle. I reviewed a lot of patterns and one suggested adding a little hood at the end, which I did. However, the husband suggested, upon project completion, that the hood looked a bit pointy. He says it reminded him of the cartoon “The Point” which I had never heard of, but after hearing him talk about, now I want to see it.

Anyway, E. from the vp suggested a pom-pom for the hood, and did I mention she also has a pom-pom maker?

hood with pom-pom

hood with pom-pom

Last weekend I started my second project … infant hats. The first one (I finished it yesterday) is pretty small, so it’s definitely newborn. Using double-pointed needles, I did an inch of ribbing, then just knitted in a round, and 2 inches later began decreasing each row to create the crown until the end. Wasn’t quite sure how to finish it so there’s a little notch at the top.

baby hat

baby hat

I’m not a great knitter. My skills end at “beginner”. But I enjoy doing it. And it gives me something to do while vegging out in front of the tv.

2 thoughts on “Knitting Projects

  1. Do you make a size 8? I know, that’s a LOT of yarn, but my gigantic noggin oozes a lot of heat. I think your knitting is keen.

  2. size 8 is a bit beyond my capabilities. my goodness, jgrotel. how do you carry that much noggin around anyway?

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