
Today I had to take another glucose screening blood test. Results come in on Wednesday. Apparently my first glucose screening took place about five days before the window of when I’m supposed to have it. Because of my Asian heritage, doc recommended we do it again. Depending on the results, I may not be eating many more sweets from here on out. The husband thought ahead and we shared a very tasty slice of chocolate cake. Hint of coconut and caramel on top of the frosting. It was quite the piece of cake. This is what happens when we split the evening chores (“You walk Max. I’ll pick up some groceries.”) Sorry, no pics. We ate it too quickly. Well, there is still a hunk of it in the fridge but it’s not pretty now, half-eaten and all.

So, anyway. Today’s workout was very similar to Saturday, 15 min on treadmill (2.5% incline, 3.6 mph) then 30 minutes on elliptical, with the HR hovering in the 150s this time. Ended with a quick circuit of squats, bicep curls and shoulder press, all using the red band. I was doing this in the women’s workout room and observed a woman walking backwards on the treadmill. Seriously?

Finally, on the knitting front. Working on a pair of baby leg warmers. Stay tuned for a pic in the near future.

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