Hello, #Whole30

Friend at work is doing the Whole30, but for 90 days, so I guess I should call it the Whole90. Since she’s suffering through it like a champ, I thought I’d join her for a bit (but not, like 90 days). I had enough celebratory doughnuts and cake throughout the NFL playoffs to make myself feel pretty blech. You see, with each Seahawks win, we decided we shouldd have cake. And, well you know how that ended! Go Hawks! Let’s not forget (several) birthday cake(s), candies, chocolates and the like. It’s time to get back into business.

This is lunch from Day One: Lamb burger (no bun) from the work cafeteria.

Lamb Burger, hold the bun

Lamb Burger, hold the bun

When I asked for no bun, the short-order cook just shrugged his shoulders and sent me on my way, with my patty. When I got up to the cashier and told her “Lamb Burger” she looked at my plate and charged me for “Protein Only” (per the cash register reader). So, ordering the patty without the bun is not a big deal at the work cafeteria, I guess. I called this meal the “Smita-Special” as she is the one who recommended it (of course she was enjoying homemade Indian food from her mom instead of the special. Lucky). The best part, is that I saved $1.20 simply for not having a bun. Suh-weet.

A surprisingly delicious choice. I usually just grab a boring salad from the bar. This, plus an apple cost me about as much as a good-sized salad with tasteless grilled chicken. And watered down balsamic vinaigrette. So, let’s call this a win.

One more thing about this Whole30 thing … I’m not new to Paleo-eating as my readers know (all five of you). But W30 is a whole new ball game. No banana/egg/nut butter pancakes? No crazy muffin concoctions? No Larabars, or homemade larabars, or any sweet delicacy that mimics chocolate using dates and cocoa? No fake ice cream? REALLY?

This is why I will feel lucky if I can make it through the Whole7. Whole14, maybe. Gotta start somewhere.

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